Monday, October 12, 2009

Can you be lonely when this loving Heart awaits you

"Our Lord does not dwell within the tabernacle solely to immolate Himself upon the altar, but also to abide in the midst of His people. We should be assiduous in our visits to the Blessed Sacrament made with profound respect and love. Our Lord repeats, ceaselessly, 'I have not wanted to leave you, to leave you orphans.'

There is no need for a servant to announce your visits, as the rich of this world require. You will always be welcome at the Court of Christ. There are no other nations so privileged as to have their gods so near to them. It is here that our Lord is truly Emmanu-el. God-with-us. It is here that we fully comprehend those words: 'Behold, I am with you even to the consummation of the world.'


How consoling it is to find oneself alone in a deserted church, alone with our Lord.


'What happiness,' said St Francis de Sales, 'to be there alone, alone with God, without anyone's knowing what passes between Him and us, in that heart-to-heart communion in which we share our most secret thoughts and desires.' He continued, 'You come before our Lord hoping that He will speak to you, but that is seldom. Ordinarily it is to speak to Him, to tell Him your troubles, your sorrows. But very often we come before Him to witness by our presence that we desire to belong to Him.'

In our visits to the Blessed Sacrament we must always observe a profound respect. There is the living God, the soul of our souls, the object of our love, of our faith. Of our faith, yes! Let that be shown in our attitude. He is there!


A living faith must be shown in your attitude before the altar. You are in the presence of your King - your Divine Captive.


The essence of our faith lies in the Real Presence of our Lord in the tabernacle.


We must pray with all our hearts at the foot of the tabernacle, in response to the tender invitations: 'My children, give Me your hearts. Come to Me, not as a servant, but as a friend. Come to bring Me your love, to share with Me your most intimate secrets.' If you desire that our Lord treat you as an intimate, then you must be confidential with Him.

Let us heed the loving invitation of Christ: 'You who are weary and heavy-laden, come unto Me and I will give you rest.'

'O hearts wounded, forgotten, neglected, I call you to Myself. I open to you My own Heart. How often have I longed to enclose you within My Heart, as the hen gathers her little ones beneath her wings, but you would not. Come now, through yourself into My open arms!'

Can you be lonely when this loving Heart awaits you? Are you friendless, while He begs for your love?"

-- Seeds of the Kingdom: Notes from Conferences, spiritual directions, meditations by Almire Pichon, SJ

N.B.: Fr Pichon was the spiritual director of St Thérèse and her family prior to her entrance to Carmel.


pia49 said...

Dear Sister, Many thanks for the precious writings of Fr Pichon. Beautiful meditations to ponder on a dark ,frosty Irish night.With love and prayers. pia49

Anne said...

Thank you for this beautiful post Sister. Your title captivated me and drew me in, but all of the lovely words of the wise and the Sainted are now ringing in my heart.