Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Eucharist - mystery of love

O my Christ,
Is the mystery of Your love,
Is life for souls,
Is the sure salvation for those who
Understand and receive It.
Therefore place in my mind,
Fervent and clear thoughts,
Put on my lips ardent and
Enlightening words,
That I may illumine all these souls,
That I may enkindle in them
Love for Your divine Sacrament;
And that in them, your work
Of transformation may be fulfilled.

-- Père Jaques of Jesus, ocd


pia49 said...

Dear Sister, Thank you so very much. With gratitude for your sharing and your efforts on behalf of our souls. With love and prayers.pia49

ocd sister said...

Dear pia49,

Just a little more patience. We're getting a new book on/by Père Jaques in the next week or so. I'm also thinking of writing to our sisters in Pontoise to inquire about anything they may have on the Eucharist by him. Père Jaques loved dearly that community. Meanwhile, please accept other beautiful writings by this Carmelite martyr. God bless you!