Sunday, June 27, 2010

May I always follow the straight road of pure good-will

"O Lord, may I come to you by the straight road of truth and simplicity!  Grant me a right intention, that single-minded regard of the soul that desires only to please you and is not concerned about how others interpret its actions.

    In my dealings with my neighbor, may I always follow the straight road of pure good-will, loving you in your creatures without seeking any natural satisfaction.  Let my relationships be inspired by sincerity, sisterly charity and holy freedom.      
    In the vicissitudes and unexpected events of life, make me know how to walk straight toward wherever you call me without any lingering or disctractions.  Teach me to follow the way of the love that does not know procrastination, and of the simplicity which knows no deviation, and of the trugh that knows no subterfuge.

    This is the way that pleases you, O Jesus, for you wanted to be called “the straightest way,” the way that leads to the Father, for you said; “No one comes to the Father but by me.”  It is the way by which the Holy Spirit guides us, for he “leads the just along the straight road.” Therefore, O God, I beg you with all fervor and desire: “create a pure heart within me and renew your Spirit within me.”"

-- From the writings of Sr Carmela of the Holy Spirit, ocd

1 comment:

Sor.Cecilia Codina Masachs said...

El camino recto, es el recto camino del amor "Pelado" sin apoyos ni recompensas, es amar siempre sin ver cómo los demás te pueden dejar de amar o detenerte en aquellos que más te aman. El amor nunca selecciona y tan siquiera entre los pobres, aunque nos han acostumbrado a dar más a los pobres que a uno que parece ser rico y vive más solo y aislado que el pobre.
Con ternura