Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Know that He will act only with love

"There are, it seems to me, two ways of praying and of having faith in God in prayer. The first is to ask solely, ardently, incessantly for a desired favor - a cure for example - and, supported by a grace which is not procured at will (as I have experienced very forcefully in certain circumstances, and not at all in others), to beg a miracle of God with the quasi certitude of being heard.

But there is another kind of faith, which I would be tempted to call superior, and which is neither particular, nor limited to a single divine response, but is sovereign, absolute: faith in God, faith in His love, without conditions, without forms. The soul resigns itself to its God with all that it loves, and it knows that He will act only with love. Life or death, sickness or health, a cure or merciful call which will snatch a soul from the dangers and sufferings of this earth, all will be only Goodness, Wisdom, infinite Omnipotence, all will be the world of eternity. One must have a very simple and profound knowledge of our God in order to live by this faith, which is likewise so simple, and so complete.

...[R]emain faithful to the eternal heart of your life: the vision of the Lord's love, the adoration of His wisdom, the passion of His glory, in a word, the one thing necessary..." -- Sr Marie of Jesus, ocd

-- Alessandra di Rudini Carlotti: Carmelite by A Nun of the Carmel of Montmartre

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